Company Info

150 N. 6th St.
Philadelphia, Pennsylvania (United States)

Special Projects Editor

Location: Philadelphia, Pennsylvania
Job Category: Online | New Media
Job ID: 10083
Employment Type: Full time
Posted: 09.05.2024


Job Description:

About WHYY


WHYY serves the Philadelphia region with trusted journalism, eye-opening storytelling and intimate local arts programming. Our curiosity and commitment to this community is what drives our programming. It’s also what drives our hiring.


Below you’ll find an employment opportunity in the fast-paced setting of the Philadelphia region’s leading public media provider. The award-winning professional staff of WHYY sets the bar high in television, radio and online. Whether it’s preparing a program to air or a behind-the-scenes role in support, all positions are vital to continuing—and growing—our impact in our community.


WHYY offers a voice to those not heard, a platform to share everyone’s stories, a foundation to empower early and lifelong learners and a trusted space for unbiased news. Learn more about our Social Responsibility Program. It’s how we live.


About the Role



The WHYY News Special Projects Editor manages a team of journalists reporting on a range of beats and focuses attention on building longer-term projects as assigned, including investigative projects and community-focused journalism. The editing responsibilities include assigning, shaping, editing and producing audio and digital news content.


The ideal candidate must have solid news judgment, capability to generate robust story ideas, and the ability to quickly turn the editing of breaking news as needed. This editor must have excellent journalism skills and be able to make authoritative editorial judgment regarding the accuracy and newsworthiness of material.


The Special Projects Editor also has experience managing teams and developing enterprising news stories. The ideal candidate is dogged, curious, ambitious and able to work with colleagues who have a variety of levels of experience. This editor will start off editing the daily workflow of two education reporters and additional special projects as assigned.





Job Requirements:

Education:  A Bachelor’s degree in journalism, communications or a related field or the equivalent professional experience.


Experience:  Five years of daily journalism experience. At least two years of experience as an editor of a print or radio newsroom in the role of an assignment editor or comparable editing and management experience. Demonstrated effectiveness managing staff both in person and remotely. Knowledge of legal and ethical standards of broadcast journalism. Experience demonstrating editorial decision making and cultural competency. Multiplatform editing experience.


Technical Skills: Experience working across platforms: Must understand differences in text and audio script editing; must have understanding of digital journalism including search engine optimization and visual elements; and an understanding of video production.


*All WHYY employees are required to receive the COVID-19 vaccination. Proof will be required upon hiring.